Your global banking partner

MCB Global Business is a dedicated desk looking after the needs of global business companies, funds, trusts and foundations. Capitalising on its highly skilled, bilingual and experienced staff, as well as state-of-the-art technology, MCB Global Business can design tailored innovative solutions to suit your needs and assist you to reach new heights. Its value proposition revolves around:

  • MCB is the leading banking sector player in Mauritius since more than 180 years
  • A swift and conducive decision-taking structure, with MCB Global Business implanted at the Bank’s headquarters
  • MCB is investment grade rated by Moody’s and Fitch Ratings
  • A strong anchoring on MCB Group’s extended palette of banking and financial solutions
  • Effective compliance for on-boarding and monitoring, with adherence to international regulatory standards
  • Strong partnership with global business management companies and corporate service providers
  • A global reach with an extensive network of more than 1200 correspondent banks
  • A dedicated point of contact to efficiently look after your business needs
  • Competitive pricing
  • Alliances with top-of-the-range international market players

Mauritius, an ideal Springboard for business

Investing in Mauritius

MCB main correspondent banks

About MCB

Finance & Lending

Aug 8, 2023, 20:27 PM
Title : Finance & Lending
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Access a spectrum of tailor-made financing solutions to drive your company’s domestic or international growth.

Related pages : Finance & Lending


For more information about our products & services, please speak to your Relationship Manager.


Get useful information on our onboarding process, the checklist and the application form as per your business type. You may also call MCB Global Business on +230 202 6393 or email us at [email protected] for more details.

View checklist & forms