MCB debit card
Withdraw cash at ATMs and shop in Mauritius and around the world.
Pack 18.25 is a savings account exclusively designed for young people aged between 18 and 25. It offers a unique pack of services that makes banking easy and fits in with your full day.
A one-off allowance of Rs 20,000 from the Government of the Republic of Mauritius to eligible youths who have attained the age of 18, on or after 01 January 2023. For more info please click here.
Easily access and manage your 18.25 savings account through MCB Juice or Internet Banking.
MCB Juice is your digital wallet. Pay your utility bills, manage your cards, accounts and bank transfers in a seamless swipe, and enjoy exclusive discounts.
Be in control, keep track of your finances when it suits you - with Internet Banking. No need to step in a branch, we’ve made banking easier for you - from the comfort of your home.