Mauritius, a conducive environment for doing business

Having long been the tried and trusted investment route, Mauritius positions itself as a world-class financial services hub, geared towards providing high-end financial services and investment structures regionally and internationally. Doing business in Mauritius is easy and complies with best practices in line with transparency, good governance and ethics.

What makes Mauritius an IFC of choice

With its enviable strategic location between Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Mauritius is ‘the place to be’. Mauritius has all the right elements to make it an International Financial Centre of choice, acting as an investment conduit and trading flows between Africa, Asia and the rest of the world.

  • One of the only 5 countries out of the 54 African States to be rated investment-grade by the main credit rating agencies
  • No exchange control restrictions
  • The only IFC which is member of SADC (Southern African Development Community), COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) and IORA (Indian Ocean Rim Association)
  • Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) with over 50 countries and Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (IPPAAs) with over 25 countries
  • Free repatriation of investment capital and returns
  • A highly skilled and multilingual workforce
  • Political stability guaranteed by a parliamentary democracy
  • Strategic time zone (GMT+4) to serve businesses globally

List of MCs

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