Throughout its history, MCB has crafted bold strategies which have grown business on the back of well-anticipated opportunities and threats, an unwavering dedication to excellent customer service, continuous business process improvement and a knowledgeable and motivated workforce.
Reflective of its corporate philosophy and anchored on its core values of Integrity, Customer Care, Teamwork, Knowledge, Innovation and Excellence, MCB also has a tradition of being a pioneer in adapting to a demanding operating environment, through ongoing business innovations and the introduction of state-of-the-art, quicker, cheaper and more comprehensive services to the satisfaction of its increasingly sophisticated customers domestically and internationally. Consequently, MCB continues to be trusted by its stakeholders for fulfilling its brand promise every day and for upholding high standards of corporate governance, employee diversity, social responsibility and environmental protection.
Going forward, MCB, propped up by the three pillars of excellent customer service experience which are people, processes and technology, is well geared towards furthering its strategic orientation of evolving into a one-stop shop in financial services locally and in the region, whilst continuing to generate real and sustainable value for all its stakeholders and catalysing the socio-economic prosperity of Mauritius.
Success Beyond Numbers
Our commitment to the highest standards of business ethics and our alertness in the protection of the necessary trust required of a financial institution.
Customer care
The assurance of quick, dedicated & unrivalled services to our valuable customers.
Team work
Our approach towards synergistic potential among our people & between the companies of the Group alongside leveraging individual skills & competencies.
A long-standing in-house tradition of proactively seeking for opportunities at the technological, operational & managerial levels - a long string of market firsts testifies to this.
A strong commitment to nurture our human capital through lifelong development & learning towards achieving our vision.
Our ability to constantly rethink ourselves & reflecting our effort to instill, collectively & individually, behaviors tuned to outstanding performance.