A prepaid card is a card preloaded with funds, which you can use for your payments. You will be able to make purchases with the card, only when there are enough funds on it.
Each time you make a purchase or withdraw cash from an ATM with your MCB prepaid card, the amount used or withdrawn is deducted from the card balance.
If there are insufficient funds on the card, transactions will be declined. You will therefore need to fund the card before using it.
The MCB Visa Prepaid card can be used at merchants’ points of sales (POS), to shop online and at ATMs displaying the Visa logo.
The MCB Visa prepaid card is available in US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Euro, South African Rand or Mauritian Rupee.
To purchase an MCB Visa prepaid card, you need to hold an MCB bank account.
If you do not have an MCB account and wish to open one, the documents required are:
Any prepaid card issued will have the customer’s name on it.
You are entitled to only one card per foreign currency.
This means that you can have one MCB Visa prepaid card in each foreign currency available.
Several fees are associated with a prepaid card:
For more details, please refer to our fees and charges on mcb.mu
The (re)loading of MCB Visa prepaid cards can be done via Internet Banking, via your MCB Juice app or at any MCB branch (by debiting your account)*. Simply select the card to be loaded, enter the card number and specify the amount.
* Card loading can be done from single or joint accounts with one signatory only. For joint accounts whereby more than one signature is required, the account cannot be debited to load a prepaid card.
The first card loading requires a minimum amount of Rs 500. Thus, your account must hold at least Rs 500.
Afterwards, you can load other amounts on your card, provided they are within the loading limits in place.
Different loading limits are applicable while loading prepaid cards.
To view limits applicable to prepaid cards, please refer to our fees and charges on mcb.mu
The loading limits of prepaid cards (excluding Visa Prepaid Rupys cards) are as follows:
For example, if you have loaded the maximum limit of Rs 350,000 on your card in a particular month, you will not be able to load additional funds on the card during the same month. However, if you spend Rs 150,000, then your balance at the end of the month will be Rs 200,000. Thus, you will be able to load up to Rs 150,000 the next month.
Note: The daily and monthly limit depends on the annual limit of Rs 1.8 m, which should not be exceeded.
If you have a combination of prepaid cards, the limit per product applies first, followed by the cumulative maximum amount limit at customer level.
For example, if you have 3 prepaid cards and have loaded 2 cards with Rs 350,000 each, you will only be able to load up to Rs 150,000 on the 3rd card in order not to exceed the combined daily and monthly limit of Rs 850,000.
Now, if you have a total combined balance of Rs 700,000 for all your 3 cards and spend Rs 600,000 during the current month, irrespective of which of the 3 cards you use, you will have a remaining balance of Rs 100,000 at the end of the month. Thus, you will be able to load a combined amount of up to Rs 750,000 on your 3 cards the next month, in order not to exceed the combined daily and monthly limit of Rs 850,000.
Note: The total combined daily and monthly limit depends on the total combined annual limit of Rs 10.2 m, which should not be exceeded.
No, provided there is available balance on the card.
For the protection of our cardholders, there are limits to ATM cash withdrawals.
The daily limit for Prepaid cards is Rs 10,000 for withdrawals made locally and Rs 20,000 or the equivalent in foreign currencies for overseas withdrawals.
However, some ATM acquirers set their own daily limits. In such cases, you will have to make your cash withdrawals according to these limits.
Your MCB prepaid card balance can be viewed via MCB Juice or at any MCB ATM.
Upon a payment with your prepaid card, provided the card is sufficiently funded:
2 main reasons may account for a negative card balance:
It is to be noted that the customer remains liable to the bank for the amount due.
Where a negative balance is created following any transaction initiated or authorised by the cardholder, the cardholder agrees to refund MCB in respect of any outstanding debit balance on his/her card account within a maximum of 45 days. The amount funded should cover at least the negative balance and other associated fees, such as loading fee.
Several reasons may be associated to declined transactions, mainly:
Insufficient funds
Card Verification Value (CVV)
In the event you suspect fraudulent use/s of your card or if it has been lost/stolen, or that somebody might have known your PIN you should immediately call our Hotline on +230 202 6060 - lines are open 24/7.
The cardholder must initiate a complaint with the Bank and follow the rules and regulations set by the network. Any resulting refund may take up to 180 days before being undertaken.
No, this option is not available.
You can either keep the balance on card till your next transaction or request to credit the balance to your account after deduction of prevailing fees and charges.
The MCB Prepaid card is not renewable upon expiry. You should therefore apply for a new card.
Any remaining balance on the expired card will be credited to your account (upon notifying the Bank) after 15 days as per the bank’s records. Bank charges will be applied accordingly, where appropriate.