
Enjoy up to 5% Discont on Wonderbags.

Offer will be valid on non-promotional items.Use the coupon code, JUICEBAZZONLINE, exclusively applicable to MCB Juice users and MCB cardholders.

Founded by Sarah Collins in 2008, the Wonderbag was developed as a solution to the South African energy shortage forcing blackouts across the country – with the aim of allowing families to continue cooking daily meals even with the absence of power.

With this bag you can start your cooking on the stove or in the oven and it will carry on cooking without burning or using electricity: the perfect slow cooker! You can also use it to keep food warm up to 8 hours, making it perfect for picnics, family gatherings or just for your own convenience at home! It also keeps food and drinks cold! This bag has revolutionised our own home and we are proud to be the official reseller for Mauritius, Rodrigues, and Reunion!

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Validity: Tuesday, 30 December 2025

- 5% discount on non-promotional items to Juice users and MCB Mastercard Debit and Credit Card