Please follow these steps: visit, click on the “Internet Banking” tab, then, click on “Register to Internet Banking”.
Please note that you will need the following: a mobile number that is already registered with us, an MCB card and a PIN.
To log on to IB, visit, click on the “Log in securely to IB tab” and connect by inserting your user ID and password
You may access IB login page on the top right hand side of
You can easily check and manage the following:
We recommend the latest versions of the browsers.
Go to the Internet Banking (IB) login page, then click on the “Can’t login?” button, and select the issues you are encountering. Then follow the steps.
You will receive a temporary password, by SMS, allowing you to login, reset your password and access your IB.
Log in with your current password, click on my profile, click change password, insert the current password, insert the new password twice, click on change"
For all issues with your user ID or password, call +230 202 6060 or
You may do so in the following ways:
You can simply self amend your daily transfer.
Security token: It’s a small electronic device (looks like a small calculator) that generates a one-time password which you will need to insert when you authorize your online transactions.
When and how to use it
A 7-digit number will display on your screen at the final stage of your payment. After switching on your token and entering your token PIN, type in the 7-digit number and click the button 'on'. A 6-digit response number with a lifetime of 30 seconds will appear on your security token. Please enter this number to authorize your transaction.
One Time Password (OTP): It’s a highly-secure automatically generated validation code, sent to your mobile phone, to authenticate you for a single transaction online.
The One Time Password (OTP) is a one-time validation code sent by text message on your mobile phone to validate transactions on IB
No. Visit your nearest MCB branch to initiate the change.
It is a small calculator-like device used to generate a password to validate transactions (for individuals and companies). It is an alternative to the one-time password (OTP) solution.
Please follow these steps: Switch on the token, insert the token PIN, insert the 7 digits challenge number on the token, click OK on the token, insert the token response on IB, and click on “authorise”
Switch on the token, insert your old pin, click menu, select change PIN, insert the new pin and confirm the new pin.
It is imperative to keep your user ID and password safe. You also need to ensure that you are on the correct website (with the internet address starting with https), receive the One Time Password (OTP) and report any phishing attempt to View more precautionary measures on our Security Centre.